The first step on your journey:

Jesus came to earth, died on a cross, and was raised to life to rescue you from sin, make you alive, and bring you into an eternal relationship with God. Salvation is not only a matter of life after death but also the way to live an abundant life on earth with Jesus, here and now.


Simply put, Jesus is salvation, and salvation is life (1 John 5:12). When you are saved, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you!


Perhaps you’ve felt unworthy of salvation because of your past. Perhaps you’ve thought good works and keeping rules saved you.


Maybe you thought you were saved because you were baptized or prayed a prayer, without experiencing a change of heart.


The good news is that Jesus is calling you to trust and believe that he has done all the work. Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection means we are forgiven and set free to live an abundant life with God here on earth and in eternity.


If you are ready to believe and receive God’s gift of salvation, simply talk to God and commit your life to Him:


“Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I’ve fallen short. I’ve sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that You lived, died, and rose again so that I could be connected to God. I confess you as my Lord and commit my life to You. I give you my past, present, and future. Take my life and use it. I give it to You. Amen.”


If you prayed to meet Jesus, please let us know!



What's the Next Step?

Now that you have prayed to meet Jesus, you are probably wondering how your new life will look. Along with reading your Bible and being baptized, the best way to continue your journey is to get connected with a community of believers. 


Baptism is an exciting and vital part of the worship experience at Maple Springs. It is an outward display of what is happening inside someone’s heart! By getting baptized, you are deciding to go public with your faith. You are identifying yourself with the death and triumphal resurrection of Christ, as well as publicly acknowledging your membership in His family. 


There is nothing magical about baptism or the water we dunk you in. Our water can’t wash your sins away…and baptism is not what “gets you into heaven.” However, it is an important step in spiritual maturity. Throughout the New Testament, it is clear that the salvation experience was promptly followed by Baptism. 


At Maple Springs, we baptize individuals who have made a conscious decision to trust Jesus as their Savior. It is for this reason that we don’t baptize babies. We hope you will take this step in your journey with God! 


The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to Christ. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their heart-felt commitment to Christ. People often have questions regarding baptism: Why should I be baptized? I’ve already been baptized. Do I have to do it again? Does it matter if someone is sprinkled or dunked? Take a few minutes to read these Baptism Facts. 


If you have an elementary child who has received Jesus as their personal Savior and is ready to take their next step of faith through baptism. We want to walk alongside you and your child through the process of baptism at We would like to set up a time to talk about what baptism represents and schedule your child’s baptism. If you have questions about baptism, please contact:

Get Connected

Just as it is important to grow in your physical life, so also it is important to grow in your spiritual life.  We believe that it  vitally important to grow in your new life in Christ.  Wherever you are in life, whatever is going on, you will always have a next step to take as you grow.


You are not to go through life alone.  That is why we  offer a variety of opportunities from one-on-one discipleship, Bible-study small groups, and even more traditional Sunday school classes.