I’m in control


Topic: Choices, Control

Book: Luke

Bible passage: Luke 1:5-22

We think control guarantees the outcomes we want, we need.

Who is Zechariah?  The father of John the Baptist. John is the forerunner of Jesus.  Zechariah was the 1st person in 400 years to hear from God.  He was a priest assigned to making sure that the incense was continually burning in the Temple in Jerusalem.

My plan vs. God’s plan for me. Is it my way or God’s?

Zechariah, living an ordinary life (just like you and me) was interrupted in his plans.

We get in the way of God’s plans because we like the comfort of our control.

Zechariah was doing good things, and comfortable in his life.  Comfortable with his home.  Comfortable with his job.  Comfortable with their ways.  He and his wife were old and childless.  Comfortable with their life journey.

Zechariah never understood the long-range implication of God’s plan.  He was blinded by his job, family, lifestyle, etc.

God’s plan (Luke 1:13-22)

verse 18: “How can I be sure of this?”

Matthew 6:31-34 You don’t have to worry about tomorrow.  Tomorrow, that’s where your plans come into conflict with God.

The mistake we make sometimes is to think “God needs me.”  The God mutes us.  If you are not going to move with God’s plans God will mute you and then He will continue His plan.

Let God use you.

Give up your control.

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