Simple Things


Book: Exodus

Bible passage: Exodus 4:1-210-12

God gives us simple things in life to use to glorify Him.

“What if?” The problem sometimes is how insecure we are about ourselves and those simple things God give.

Something simple, something ordinary is what God supplies for us to make a big deal about who God is.  Opportunities are often simple, ordinary things but we get a “Moses complex” leading us to ask the “what if” question.

There is nothing in us that makes the simple things extra-ordinary.  They become extra-ordinary due to God’s power.

God takes the familiar of our lives and makes them supernatural.  God uses it to get His message out.

Truth: When we fail to use the simple things God supplies to make Him famous we are often looking through the lens of our abilities rather than God’s power.

The Promise: Exodus 4:12

Are you using what God is giving you?

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