The 3 Greatest Words


Series: GOD is here.

Book: Psalms

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The 3 greatest words ever are: GOD is here.

Problem is that we take these words and often change them to:

  • Life Killer #1: god is here.
  • Life Killer #2: GOD will be here.
  • Life Killer #3: GOD is there.

Asaph, being ultimately transparent, admits being angry about how people who did not follow GOD’s commands and laws seemingly flourished while he suffered.  Psalm 73:22.  But then he remembered to think much about GOD.  Psalm 73:25.  Asaph’s desires teach us that we will never be satisfied with temporary blessings because we will always crave more.  Nothing short of the eternal GOD will be enough for our souls. Psalm 73:26.  Asaph busts out in a happy dance and invites us to join him in his joy because he realizes that nothing is as important as the presence of GOD.  Psalm 73:28.

TRUTH: The presence of the right Person changes everything.

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