Series: ALIGN
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: Matthew
A disciple is a person who (1) Is following Christ (head); (2) Is being changed by Christ (heart); & (3) Is committed to the mission of Christ (hands).
Series: ALIGN
If Jesus is willing to get on His hands & knees & wash feet, may we have that posture that we would be willing to do anything at any level for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Series: ALIGN
You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least. To evaluate how much you love God, evaluate how much you love people.
Series: ALIGN
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: Acts
Hope isn’t in following a bunch of rules, a bunch of laws trying to live up to a standard that we cannot live up. Our hope is not in some ritual act. Our hope is not in what family were born into. Our hope is in the fact that God did something great for us. What we couldn’t do, Jesus did. We need Grace.
Series: Unwrapping Christmas
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Christmas, Sin, Following Christ, surrender, plans
Christmas is coming to understand because of what I’ve done, I’ll never get to God. So, God came to me. He died on the cross and what He asked in return is all of me, complete ownership.
Series: Unwrapping Christmas
Today you will make a decision. Either I accept this, that my sin has been dealt with or I’m going to choose to go and handle my own life one way or another.
Series: Unwrapping Christmas
If you need a Savior, that means you are in a mess.
Series: I Will Rescue You
Rejoice for the Light of the World has already Defeated the Darkness.
Series: I Will Rescue You
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: John
But the “peace” that Jesus gives is the experience of a deep inner calm, rest & confidence that is untouched & unmoved by adversity, opposition, circumstances & persecution. Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.