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Book: Matthew

  • August-11-2024

    Series: Stressed

    Speaker: Bill Simpson

    Topic: God, money, budget

    When we break away from God’s designs for our money—whether intentionally or unintentionally—we bring stress down on ourselves.

  • March-24-2024

    Series: He's the KING

    Speaker: Tracy Marsh

    Book: Matthew

    Tracy Marsh, youth pastor. Matthew 21:1-17 5 perspectives of this…

  • December-24-2023

    Speaker: Bill Simpson

    Book: Romans, Matthew

    The world cannot take away what the world cannot give. The world cannot take away what it cannot give to us. The world cannot take away deep rich promises because the world cannot give deep rich promises. The world can’t take away your security, the world can’t take away your peace because the world cannot give security, and the world cannot give peace. It can’t take away this hope that serves as an anchor for our souls, because this world was never designed to give us hope. Not that kind of hope. The world can’t take away what the world can’t give. And you can’t lose what only Jesus gives. He gives life, you can’t lose it. Love, freedom, joy, salvation, you can’t lose it. He gives peace. He gives promises you can’t lose. He gives assurance you cannot lose. What Jesus gives Jesus, the Rescuer of His people, gives hope. The world can’t take that away. What the world can’t give, and you can’t lose only Jesus gives. This is the story of Christmas, the hope of Christmas. It’s not a feeling. It’s not a desire. Hope is a person. He is Jesus the Rescuer, the Savior of His people.

  • December-17-2023

    If you ever get fed up with you. And if you ever get fed up with something that seems to control you. If you ever get fed up with the self-destruction that you bring on yourself and the self-destructive habits that destroy the relationships that are most important to you. Christmas is a standing invitation from your Father in heaven. You have been invited into a relationship where sin no longer has to be your master, because you’re not under law, you’re under grace. You are a candidate for the gift of Christmas.

  • December-10-2023

    God staged a demonstration and documented it so the world would know. Because He knew we needed to see it to believe it. And it wasn’t enough to say it. He had to send His Son to pay the price that we owed in such a way that once we embraced the truth of the story, and once we embraced who Jesus was, we would never, ever, ever, ever doubt God’s love for us. He had to be with us so that we could know He was for us. We needed a demonstration.

  • October-15-2023

    Series: Kaleo

    In the New Testament “make disciples” applies to both helping someone with the initial act of conversion as well as helping them grow the rest of their life. You are supposed to be involved in all of that.

  • October-1-2023

    Series: Kaleo

    Generosity is the visible evidence of love. As we take steps of faith in our journey of generosity, God shapes our hearts. So, How is generosity shaping your heart?

  • September-24-2023

    Series: Kaleo

    Every time you pass on by, not only do you miss an opportunity to impact someone else, but you have also missed an opportunity for God to impact you.

  • August-27-2023

    Even when you do not look for God, even when you do not lean into the presence of God, He is fully present. You have never been alone, because God is everywhere present. But we can pretend we are by ourselves. You can pretend you’re by yourself. And I can deny His presence. I can refuse to acknowledge it.