Putting Your Hope in Hevel


Series: GOD is here.

Book: Ecclesiastes

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Bible passage: Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

“Root” problem: putting our hope and happiness in temporary things (“This!”)

5 symptoms of putting your hope in “This!” rather than “GOD is . . .”

  1. Anxiety.  Why do we get so anxious so often? From forgetting that GOD is present even if “This!” isn’t.  In math terms, the amount of our anxiety is directly proportionate to what we think of GOD.  So what’s the cure? Colossians 3:4 “Christ, who is your life . . .”  Until your heart is satisfied in GOD, anxiety will make you sick.
  2. OCD-Obsessive Comparison Disorder. Instead of being satisfied that GOD is here, your happiness will hang on unending, obsessive comparisons.  1 Corinthians 1:27-28 GOD is-even with those of us who don’t get the world’s praises.
  3. Exhaustion. Trying to satisfy the human heart apart from GOD is exhausting.  And never ending. And dangerous.  Without GOD’s presence you will end up a slave.  Always running the race. Never reaching the finish line.  But GOD invited us to come and find rest.  Matthew 11:28Exhaustion is a red hazard light on the dashboard of your soul.
  4. Disobedience. Jesus’ invitation is “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19). Make no mistake, following Jesus will cost you the temporary highs that sin so often provides.  Sin is trying to replace GOD with something else out of desire to be happy.  Only when GOD’s presence becomes priceless to you will you give up any and every “This!” to get Him (Matthew 13:44-46).  Your odds of following Jesus = what you think of GOD.
  5. Anger. You get angry at GOD when He takes away your “This!”  Job was a devout follower of GOD whose life was filled with “This!”  Job loved GOD.  He thought much of GOD.  But what would happen if GOD took away Job’s “This!”  Job 1:9-10.  Job proved Satan wrong.  Job 1:20-21.  Notice what got Job back on track– not a logical explanation of GOD’s plan for his pain, but a personal encounter with the glorious Creator GOD.  Job’s story is all of our stories. We all experience many moments when the Lord stops giving and starts taking away.  When that happens, do you think much of the GOD who allowed it?  This is what actually makes pain a gift.  Without suffering, we would never know if we loved GOD for His presence or His presents.  This is what Peter described in the opening of his first letter.  1 Peter 1:6-7.  When GOD stops giving and starts taking away, true faith is revealed.

The Bible repeats the theme of GOD’s presence.  The big idea is the same:  unlike all of the temporary things of life, GOD is always.

8 Biblical Ways to Say “GOD is!”

  1. Eternal: without end, lasting permanent.  Isaiah 26:4
  2. Everlasting: distinguished GOD from all the temporary blessings that don’t last forever. Isaiah 40:28
  3. Unfailing: constant, steady, and reliable. Psalm 13:5
  4. Enduring: to stick around, to last, to be persistent and permanent. 1 Chronicles 16:34
  5. Always: without fail, consistently. Matthew 28:20
  6. Never: not ever, at no time, not even once. Hebrews 13:5
  7. Remain: to stick around, to not leave, to last. Psalm 146:6
  8. Faithful: to be dependable, trustworthy, or constant. Pslam 36:5

The Holy Spirit salted the entire Bible with these reminders that GOD is so that you and I could taste and see that the Lord is good.

TRUTH: GOD is not like “This!”  “This!” is temporary. GOD is eternal!

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