Life in the Refuge


Series: GOD is here.

Book: Psalms

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David’s theme throughout the psalms he wrote was: “GOD is” our Refuge.

Psalm 7:1Psalm 9:9Psalm 16:1Psalm 18:2Psalm 141:8

Refuge is the result of God’s glorious presence in your life.

So, what happens when we place all of our life in the refuge of God’s presence?

  • Joy.  Joy is the relief you feel when you are in the refuge, knowing that nothing can separate you from the GOD who loves you (Romans 8:38-39).
  • Hope. Hope is the guarantee that God will be there for your tomorrow (Psalm 46:1).
    • 1 Peter 1:3-6.
    • Why can you “greatly rejoice,” even if you are suffering in this life? Because you have a living hope, an inheritance that can never be taken away–GOD.
  • Peace. The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, means “to be whole.”
    • Psalm 46:10-11.  The key to being still, to having peace is: knowing that the Lord is GOD.  Not trying to find the one person or purchase or cause or like or look that will give you a lasting sense of completeness.  There only one place to find peace: GOD’s presence.
    • Psalm 23:1-6.  David mentions “the darkest valley” and “the presence of my enemies,” yet he felt a sense of peace, and shocking contentment.  Why? Because “You are with me.” Present tense. GOD is here.
  • Fearlessness.  Fear is the unpleasant suspicion that something bad might occur.  It’s the worry that if ____________ happens, then you will lose ____________.
    • Psalm 27:1.  Confront your fears with “GOD will be with me.”  Tell your anxious mind that no matter what, GOD is here.
    • The more you fear GOD, the less you fear everything else.
  • Gratitude.  When good health, good friends, and good days are still standing, that GOD that He gave you even more than the Refuge you need.

TRUTH: When everything in life is falling apart, run and take shelter in the presence of GOD.


Moses’ words are like Krispy Kreme doughnuts for my soul.

Satisfy: GOD, I don’t want to chase the wind and spend my life needing more money, more attention, more stuff, more likes, or more of anything.  I want You to satisfy my heart.

In the morning: GOD, I don’t want to wait for evening to be satisfied.  I want to be content right now, at . . .

Sing for Joy: GOD, make me so happy that I can’t help but sing. I’m praying for absurd amount of joy today, enough to make me sing.

Be glad: GOD, I don’t want to wait to die to be happy.  I want to be glad today, even if this day is difficult.

All our days: God, I don’t want my gladness to end after today.  And I don’t want it all for myself. I am thinking of “our” days. My wife’s days. My kid’s days. My friend’s days. My church’s days. My co-worker’s days. My boss’s days. Bless us all, Father.

What an amazing prayer Moses wrote and prayed! But did you notice the part I skipped? It’s what makes GOD our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Moses prayed . . .

With Your unfailing love: The only thing that can satisfy me right now and throughout the day, the only guaranteed source of joy and gladness for this day, the only non-hevel part of today is GOD’s unfailing love.

Start every day in the refuge, and no matter where your waking hours take you, never step outside of it.  And there, in the presence of GOD, find all the hope your heart needs in those two words–GOD is!

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