Rescued from Fear


Book: John

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Series: I Will Rescue You Week 4: Rescued from Fear

  1. People have lost confidence in the truth of the Bible.
  2. People have refused to embrace the peace of heart, mind, & soul that Jesus Christ offers to anyone who will receive it.
  3. People have disregarded the joy that Jesus offers & instead have run after worldly joy.
  4. People have chosen to put their confidence in the power of man –turning a deaf & unbelieving ear to Jesus.
  5. People have opened themselves to the influence of Satan & his strategies to undermine peace, joy, life, hope, freedom & forgiveness.

John 14:27-31

1—The Peace of God will Guide You in Your Trials & Triumphs

Jesus wants us to be fearless. Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.

Receive the peace that Jesus gives. Rejoice in the purposes of God. Find your joy in aligning your life, beliefs, and behavior with Jesus.

#2—The Peace of God will Guard You as You Daily Trust in Him

Jesus is saying: Trust that I am in complete control of the future. Believe Him when He says He’s in control of the future.

Put your faith in His Promises and Power.

#3: The Peace of God has Power to Rescue from Fear & Distress

Jesus is telling us that the reason why He will ultimately submit to death at the hands of His enemies is because He loves the Father.

Stand firm in what Jesus did to defeat the Devil.


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