Aligning with God’s Purposes


Series: ALIGN

Book: Acts

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Series: ALIGN Week 1: Aligning with God’s Purposes

It hurts us if we aren’t aligned with who God is & His purposes.

Acts 1:8. Acts 15 speaks to a point in the church’s history where the 1st church got out of alignment.

Acts 15:1-19

2 Foundations the 1st church practiced to be in alignment with God & His Purposes:

  1. The Bible—the Word of God. The reason why the Bible is so important is because the Bible is our final authority.
  2. The Gospel—the Good News. The gospel is the other part that is a foundation for us because it is our only hope.

So, how do we stay in alignment? We must stay aligned to our mission. We exist to help people find and follow Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20.

3 Principles to help us stay aligned to our mission:

  1. Keep an outward focus over an inward focus.
  2. Keep the Gospel the main thing.
  3. Don’t create obstacles that keep people from turning to God.

Timeless Truth: The Cross of Christ is a stumbling block for people.


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