Equipped for God’s Purposes


Series: ALIGN

Book: Ephesians

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Series: ALIGN Week 3: Equipped for God’s Purposes

God, am I in alignment with You?

  • Core Foundations: (1)The Bible—Word of God is our final authority; (2) The Gospel—Good News is our only hope.
  • Key Priorities for Aligning with God and God’s Purposes: The 1st priority is to Engage—love God supremely & love others greatly. Keywords: Worship & Connect. The 2nd priority is that we are Equipped for God’s Purposes. How do we align with God’s purpose of equipping? We Grow and Serve.

EPHESIANS 4:11-16.

  1. WHAT DID CHRIST GIVE TO HIS CHURCH? Ephesians 4:11—He gave gifted people.
  2. WHY DID HE GIVE GIFTED PEOPLE TO THE CHURCH? Ephesians 4:12a—To equip His people for works of service.
  3. WHY DO WE EQUIP GOD’S PEOPLE TO SERVE? Ephesians 4:12b—“… So that the body of Christ may be built up”
  4. HOW DO WE KNOW IF THIS IS REALLY WORKING? Ephesians 4:13—3 different ways that we can see it being successful: (1) Unity in the faith. (2) Unity in knowledge. (3) Unity in maturity.
  5. WHAT DOES MATURITY NOT LOOK LIKE? Ephesians 4:14— It doesn’t look like instability.
  6. WHAT DOES MATURITY LOOK LIKE? 4:15-16—What maturity looks like is this church that is growing & serving together.
  • Are you a contributing member of the church?
  • When you serve, you grow.
  • We can’t fully function as God intended without you.


Timeless Truth: Jesus measures greatness when we serve.

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