Can I Get a Witness?


Series: Castaway

Book: Jonah

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Series: Castaway Week 3: Can I Get a Witness?

Jonah 2:103:10

4 purposes of the book of Jonah:

(1) To show how God pursues sinners.

(2) To contrast the difference in God’s heart for lost people & ours.

(3) To give you a glimpse of the real Savior.

(4) To show you how God uses His people in the world.

Becoming an effective witness involves believing 2 things:

(1) Salvation belongs to the Lord (Jonah 2:9).

God works in people to bring them repentance. John 1:12-13; Ephesians 2:8-9.

People are not persuaded by our eloquent speech or persuasive powers, but by the power of God.

(2) Faith comes only by hearing (Romans 10:17)

If you get this, it should lead you to do 2 things:

  1. Get the Word of God into people’s hands.
  2. Pray like crazy.

If God answered, in one fell swoop, every prayer you prayed last week, would anybody new be in the kingdom?

The bottom line is this: Jonah is what stood in the way of Nineveh’s forgiveness.

Jonah 2:8: Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit not only their own grace, but the grace God wants to extend to others as well.

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