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Week 5 of the sermon series: “The Effective Life”

Bible passage: 2 Peter 1:5-6

Self-Control deserves Priority

  • Adam & Eve sinned by yielding to Satan’s temptations
  • Cain murdered Able because of his anger
  • Moses struggled with anger which resulted in God prohibiting him from entering Promised Land
  • Samson couldn’t control his passions and lusts and ended up losing his supernatural strength, being blinded and eventually losing his life
  • David’s lack of self-control led to adultery and murder
  • Jesus addressed self-control for His would-be followers: Matthew 16:24,26
  • Paul wrote about self-control in Romans 13:13-14

Truth: Self-Control is evaluating our choices biblically in accordance to God’s will.

Self-Control displays Maturity (Titus 1:121:51:7-82:22:5-62:11-14).

Self-Control deepens Discipline

Self-Control demands a Strategy

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