Can I Really Trust the Bible?

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Series: Tough Questions; Life-Changing Answers. Week 2: Can I Really Trust the Bible?

Everyone here has 3 things in common:

  1. You are building something.
  2. It isn’t getting easier.
  3. You want a solid foundation.

Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount with a story about 2 builders and the foundations on which they built their houses.  Jesus was teaching far more than an architectural lesson. What Jesus was conveying was: your ultimate worldview/foundation matters.

Worldviews have consequences. A worldview is the set of beliefs you build your life upon

Everything depends on a person’s worldview-and everyone has one.


3 Ways to Strengthen Your Foundation:

  1. Saturate Your Life with God’s Truth.

Nothing is more important than a foundation of truth. (Proverbs 23:23)

You can build your life on truth, or you can build your life on trends.

  1. Learn to Spot Counterfeit Truth.

The best way to discern what is false is to spend a lot of time handling truth. (1 John 4:1)

We need to Test what we listen to.  Look at the results. Never accept a belief without looking at the life behind it.

  1. Commit Yourself to Living Truth.

You cannot build a solid life on a shaky foundation. You cannot base your life on a faulty worldview without experiencing disastrous results, with a shaky foundation, the pillars of your life-your faith, your family, your work-will lack the support they need.


Three Trustworthy Truths About the Word of God

The Credibility of the Word of God

2 Peter 1:19

The Bible is the most reliable and credible piece of literature.

  • God’s Word is Prophetic, not pathetic. It is divinely inspired and not based on man’s authority or power. God’s Word gets its authority solely based on its source-it comes from God alone. 1 Thessalonians 2:13
  • God’s Word is Completely Trustworthy, True & Reliable. Psalm 93:5
  • God’s Word is guiding & revealing. Psalm 119:105

Truth #1 – God’s Word Illuminates the Darkness & Equips with Courage


The Stability of the Word of God

2 Peter 1:20

Peter is not referring to an explanation of Scripture. He’s referring to its origin. False prophets spoke of their own things from their own ideas. No true message from God ever arose from a human source. It always came from God. God used imperfect men to record His perfect word.

Truth #2 – God’s Word Provides Living Hope to a Dying World 


The Reliability of the Word of God

2 Peter 1:21

You had better study its promises and claims if it is true. It is the only trustworthy truth we have.

Truth #3 – God’s Word Transforms the Deceived Life with Timeless Truth


TRUTH – God’s Word is the Truth that Sets You Free



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