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Sermon Series: My Big Fat Mouth. Week 1: Complaining

There is power in the words we speak—life or death. Luke 6:45

When I think of complaining in Bible—think of Israelites

After God sent 10 plagues, parted Red Sea, drown Pharaoh’s army, Fed manna, water rock, clothes never wore out.

Israelites did same thing had always done: Whined, Griped, Complained.

Exodus 14:11-12 

Exodus 16:8

What in your life do you complain about most?

Problem: We’ve taken our eyes off the Goodness of GOD.

Anyone right to complain—Paul.

  • Dreamed of going to Rome as a preacher—Prisoner.
  • Awaiting possible execution—2 years chained Roman
  • This isn’t fair—God! I’m serving you—Floor is hard—Food bad—Back aches—Romans B.O.

Philippians 2:14-15

The more negative you are, the more likely your brain is going to continue to be negative. You expect something to be bad, therefore you get what you expect.

Paul lived and taught 2 truths about complaining:

  • Truth 1: If you can change your circumstances—Do something about it. (Nehemiah and walls)
  • Truth 2: If you can’t change your circumstances—Change your perspective.

Philippians 2:17-18

Verb is passive—I am being poured out.

He didn’t see his offering as death—His offering life—Living Sacrifice.

Philippians 1:12-13

What are you chained to? Paul was not the center of his story—Jesus is!

You think I’m the prisoner? Diff Roman guard chained to all day! Captive audience powerful leaders. If I’m here—God must have a purpose!

If you can change negative circumstances—do something—If you Can’t—Change perspective.

Even if I’m being poured out…

Don’t see problem—see divine possibilities. Not looking at obstacles—Seeing opportunity! I’m not focusing on what I don’t have—Thankful for what I do have.

Psalm 103:2-5 [David]

TRUTH: When Jesus is the center of your story, it changes how you let your story be told.

  • What do you complain about most?
  • Do you most need to change your circumstances or your perspective?
  • How could you, like Paul, flip your perspective about the struggles your facing?
  • What are some blessings you haven’t been grateful for lately?

How can regularly you turn these blessings into gratitude toward God?

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