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Series: My Big Fat Mouth Week 2: Criticism

There is power in the words we speak—life or death. Luke 6:45

Problem of criticism: We often feel very justified in criticizing others.

Proverbs 12:18 some people make cutting remarks, but other people speak wise words of healing.

Galatians 5:13-18, 25-26

Love your neighbor as yourself but be careful . . . be careful of destroying one another.

What if … ?

You have no idea how much criticism can hurt someone’s heart.

You have no idea how God might use a single word of encouragement!



Because of our sin nature, we tend to look to find what’s wrong before we find what’s right. Because it’s so easy to be a fault finder

Fault Finders are a lot like the Pharisees-Point out faults-Look for what’s wrong.

Fault Finders are like the Devil -because one of his titles is the Accuser of our brothers and sisters (Rev 12:10)

Why do we criticize?

  1. Because we are full of pride, we think we know what is best.
  2. Because we are insecure, so we criticize the very things in others that are weaknesses in ourselves.
  3. Because we just don’t understand, so we criticize from a distance things we know nothing about.
  4. Because we think criticizing makes me look smarter, it makes me look like an expert.

Have you ever met a critical person that you’ve wanted to be like?

A very critical spirit is so difficult to see in the mirror, because we justify what we do, because we feel like we actually have the right to pick other people apart.


Romans 15:13

Paul was a hope dealer: Romans 8

Jesus is full of hope: He is the Bread of Life, the Living Water, the Good Shepherd, the Door, the living Vine, the Gate, the King of kings, Lord of lords, the Alpha & Omega, 1 Timothy 1: Jesus is called “our hope”, Titus 2: Jesus is called “the blessed hope”,  1 Peter 1: Living hope

Woman Caught John 8- Pharisees-Fault finders Jesus-Hope Dealer

Satan is the father of lies-Deceiver-Prince of darkness-Accuser

Jesus is the way-truth-life-Living hope

Fault finder that Belittles, Demeans, Tears down

Hope dealer-Lifts, Strengthens, Encourages

2 Corinthians 13:11

No idea how much criticism hurts & destroys

TRUTH: Anybody can be a Fault Finder. We are to be Followers of Christ—Hope Dealers.

  • Who are you most critical of?
  • Who or What could your criticism be destroying?
  • Who can you begin dealing hope to? How will you do it?




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