Dealing with Discouragement


Series: The Time Is Now

Book: Haggai

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Series: The Time Is Now Week 2: Dealing with Discouragement

Recap: Solomon built temple-Worship idols. 587 BC-Babylonians crushed Jerusalem. Jews were in captivity 70 years. Zerubbabel (governor) led people back-Started new Temple-Opposition-Quit! God raised up Haggai-Time is Now. Put Me first-Build my house!

Haggai 1:13-14: God will often stir up your spirit. God gives you hope to accomplish something that God puts on your mind. A month goes by-Stop building! Started with enthusiasm! One month later-Stalled out!

Start strong-Set back-Discouragement sets in

When we don’t make the progress we think that we should make, we get incredibly discouraged

Word of the Lord comes through Haggai-God says, Ask them… Haggai 2:3 God is trying to get to the root of their discouragement.



Comparing our start with someone else’s finish! Many old enough remember Solomon’s temple. Gold, Silver, Jewels-Compared to old-Not impressive! There is No Win in Comparison!

Lack of Progress: Started building. Not going like we expected. Not worth it! Marriage- kids wise choices- Make friends-Feel alone, Fighting temptation-Can’t overcome! Want to give up!

I’m not where I thought I would be.

Haggai 2:4    (Go up, bring down, build)



When you feel like giving up-Don’t! Stay strong. Keep working.

Not seeing results-Be strong-Do the work!

Doesn’t say: Dream the dream-Do the work.

Talk the talk-Do the work.

Compare with others-Do the work.

Put down another brick. Didn’t seem to make a difference. Do the work. Stay consistent to what God showed you to do.

TRUTH: Successful people do consistently what normal people do occasionally.

Consistently do hard right over easy wrong. Keep Praying-Studying-Giving-Witnessing! Galatians 6:

Why? For I am with you!

Haggai 2:6-9: Glory of present temple-greater than former-Mind blowing truth! Used to go to the temple to make sacrifices to get to God.

You’re temple! He sacrificed His Son to get to you! Jesus is the greater glory!


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