Don’t Miss the Point of Your Story

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Series: Your Story for God’s Glory Week 2: Don’t Miss the Point of Your Story

The point of this series is to recognize that You Are A Major Part Of God’s Story For This World. He created you for a reason and placed you in your family, your community, and this moment for a purpose. Last week… how to live a better story. Know your story. Know who you are and what you’re here for. Then passionately pursue your story with everything you have.

It’s important to remember the point of your story. God has called you to impact the lives of those around you.

This week we are looking at a familiar story about a little guy experiencing a big God. When this story is placed in proper context, it reveals radical truth about the heart of Jesus for His people.

Luke 19:1-10 Context of the Passage:

  • Zacchaeus’ behavior was crazy for a man of this time.
  • Notice: Jesus went through Jericho. This was not the best way to get to Jerusalem; it was not safe. He walked an extra 12 miles. Why would He do that? Jesus wanted to meet with the chief tax collector and help him experience salvation.
  • It’s easy to let our routines become distractions.

ONE: Don’t miss the point.

  • Jesus went out of his way to see this man — he didn’t see him as an interruption. Zacchaeus was the object.
  • Jesus shows us the point here: sometimes you have to go out of your way for the sake of the gospel.
  • Don’t miss the point of your life’s story.
    • The point is to put God’s radical love for others into action every single day.
    • The point is to know God’s will and do it.
    • The point is to point others toward God.

TWO: Don’t forget your calling.

  • Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, where He would enter town on a donkey before being crucified for our sins. Palm Sunday
  • However, Jesus made a pit stop to invite Zacchaeus, an untouchable, filthy, rotten thief, out to dinner.
  • Jesus did not see Zacchaeus as an interruption to His ministry, but rather the object of His ministry.
  • Your plans are never more important than people.
  • God has placed people all around you and called you to be a part of their lives. Look for the opportunities you have to make a difference.
    • Include the outcast.
    • Invite the ignored.
    • Love the people around you because that is what God has called you to do.
  • We aren’t just called to go to church; we are called to grow the Church.

It’s crucial that you understand your calling and live out your calling.

There is a huge difference between intention and action.

THREE: Don’t hesitate.

  • Be urgent. Jesus knew that His goal was to go straight to Zacchaeus. He didn’t send His disciples. He didn’t hesitate; He just went out and found him.
  • A lack of urgency is hurting people.
    • Someday, I will invite them to church.
    • Someday, I will start talking about it with my family.
    • Someday, I will share the gospel.
    • Someday, I will share my story.
    • Someday, I will make a difference.
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out and invite a new character into your story when God prompts you to.

Conclusion: How do we talk to people about Jesus?

  • Just start with your story.
    • People connect to stories.
    • People engage with stories.
    • Jesus spent most of His ministry telling stories.
    • Tell people the story of what Jesus has done in your life.
  • The message is not “come to church.” It’s that people need to come to Jesus.
  • Relationships are the best catalyst for revival.
  • You can only encourage life change like that in the context of a relationship.
  • So, what is your story?
    • Your stress becomes your story.
    • Your scars become your story.
    • Your struggles become your story.
    • Your trials become your triumph.
    • Your failures can point people to the Father.
  • You need to share the story of Jesus with people!
  • Connect with people. Listen to their story. Tell them your story. Point people to Jesus.

TRUTH: Use your story to point people to the Savior so your story will bring God glory.


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