Effective Prayer


Series: Elijah

Topic: Prayer

Book: 1 Kings

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Series: Elijah Week 3: Effective Prayer

Does prayer really work?

Elijah understood prayer. JAMES 5:17.

I KINGS 18:42-44. The reality is, so many of us struggle with our prayer lives. Consistency is tough. Authenticity can be hard at times. We feel like God doesn’t answer at times, but if you guys will engage in God’s word, you are going to walk away some truth that you can implement into your life, and it will transform your prayer life forever.

4 qualities of an effective prayer:


JAMES 4:6b, 10. God, the creator, is the One that will lift us up. But what we have to understand is that humility precedes the miraculous in our lives. You want to get God’s attention? You want Him to move? You want Him to listen to the prayer that You’re bringing to Him? Humble yourself before Him.

  1. EFFECTIVE PRAYERS ARE SPECIFIC PRAYERS. Elijah was specific. “God, we need some rain. God, it’s been 3 ½ years. Give us water. He knew exactly what it was that he wanted. JAMES 4:2b.
  1. EFFECTIVE PRAYERS ARE PERSISTENT PRAYERS. 1 KINGS 18:43c. Elijah doesn’t allow the outward circumstances of what’s going on to affect his inward assurance. JAMES 5:16b. When we are persistent in our prayer, that’s when we see God move and work.

What have you quit praying for that you need to start praying for again? Maybe it’s your marriage, or for a job, or your finances, or a broken relationship. Maybe it’s for someone in your family that doesn’t have a relationship with Christ.

  1. EFFECTIVE PRAYERS ARE EXPECTANT PRAYERS. 1 KINGS 18:44. Elijah was expectant. He put it all on the line & acted on the belief that God was going to move and do the miraculous. 1 KINGS 18:45-46. God answers prayers. God moves supernaturally on behalf of His people.

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