Our Biggest Problem


Series: GOD is here.

Book: Psalms, Luke

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Bible passage: Luke 11:1-4Psalm 63:1-5

Our Biggest Problem: We don’t think that much of God.

We don’t think that much of GOD because we don’t think about Him often enough. An issue of QUANTITY.

We don’t think that much of GOD because our thoughts about Him are pretty lame. An issue of QUALITY.

What’s in a name?  Names are not objective; they are subjective.

In Luke 11, one of Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray.  Jesus encouraged them to pray for the daily necessities that sustain us (Luke 11:3).  Then Jesus urged them to pray for forgiveness, both given and received (Luke 11:4).  But before Jesus told them to pray for both of these important needs in life, He told them to “Hallow GOD’s name.”

  • “Hallowed” means to see something as holy.
  • “Holy” means to set something apart, to make it wonderfully different.
  • “Your name” refers to the thought we have when we think about GOD.

The whole model prayer hinges on that first request-to think much of GOD today.

Exodus 20:7a: The reason we break the other commandments is that we have first broken the commands about GOD and His name.  Get GOD’s name right and you’ll most likely do the right thing.

In other words, the greatest misuse of GOD’s name is the missed use of GOD’s name.

TRUTH: Leverage every moment to make His name great.

How do we do this? Psalm 63:1-5

  1. SEEK -a mental journey our minds take from thinking too little of god to thinking much of GOD.
  2. SEE -once we have sought GOD, we can see Him as He is.  The reward of seeking is seeing.
  3. SATISFIED -the very sight of GOD is the most satisfying thing for our souls.

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