The Hard Right


Series: The Time Is Now

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Series: The Time Is Now. Week 1: The Hard Right

Often you can wake up in a certain stage of life and have this unsettling feeling. You think by this point in my life, I just expected more. I thought by the time that I reached _____ whatever this is, that there’d be something different or something better. I’m kind of surprised that this is where I am.

This was the mood during the time when Haggai was written. The people were saying, “I really thought we would be in much different shape than we are now.”

4th year of King Solomon’s reign—Magnificent temple—but the people turned to idols.

In 587 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar and his army crushed the Southern kingdom of Judah destroying the temple.

The Jews were taken into captivity for decades. (70 years)

In 538 BC, about 50,000 people were allowed to travel back to Jerusalem, the capital of Judah, to rebuild.

Started rebuilding—Foundation/Altar—Samaritans opposed them—and things got hard.

14 yrs—project on hold—no progress, no prayers, no effort! Worked on their own houses—God raised up Haggai to call the people back to the task. Haggai 1:2

These people—Not my people! Do you know what your kids did?

Why did they think the time wasn’t now? Because they received Opposition—Difficult—Must not be from God!

The closer you get to doing what God wants—the more opposition you’ll face.

Don’t worry when I face opposition—Worry when I don’t!

TRUTH: the closer we get to doing something that matters to the heart of God, the more likely we are to face opposition.


  • Easy to keep your sin a secret—Hard & Right confess ask for help.
  • Easy to keep charging buying what you want—Hard & Right to deny self.
  • Easy to hold a grudge—Hard & right to forgive.
  • Easy to follow the crowd—Hard & Right to be different and not conform.
  • Easy to get discouraged when people are against you and quit – choose the Hard Right over the Easy Wrong.

Ask yourself, “Is there some unfinished assignment in your life?”  THE TIME IN NOW. Haggai 1:3-5

“Give careful thought to your ways.”

In what area of your life are you not putting God first?

Are you putting your own comfort ahead of His calling?—Your house over His—Having more/doing more? Are you consumed with yourself instead of being consumed with God—Making a name over difference?

Haggai 1:6.

  • Working your tail off—not satisfied.
  • Earning money—never have any left.
  • Acquired more—Accomplish more—still feel empty!
  • and how’s that working for you?

Haggai 1:7-8 3 simple steps:


Here’s a problem: So many are going, “God, what about steps 4, 5, and 6? I need the details. You have to do what God showed you first before He reveals more to you.

How do you follow God’s will? Step by step! Hard right over easy wrong.

The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.

The outcome is God’s responsibility. Obedience is yours.

The time is Now—Consider your ways

Choose the hard right over the easy wrong!


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