The Moment of Decision


Book: 2 Timothy

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Series: Defining Moments Week 1: The Moment of Decision

2 Timothy 3:1-9

Life is the sum of all your choices.” –Albert Camus

     You are one decision away from changing your life forever. But the funny thing is you probably don’t know what the one decision will be. It’s natural to assume that such a big, life-changing decision would be obvious. And sometimes it is, like . . .

But smaller choices can also have Big effects. Our lives are constantly spilling into the lives of others, and theirs into ours. Like falling dominoes, even our smallest decisions sometimes cascade into consequences we never could have seen coming.

What is always true is that the decisions we make today determine the stories we tell about our lives tomorrow.

Private decisions almost always have public ramifications.

Ultimately it’s up to you to decide what you believe in, who you want to live for, and what you’re going to stand for.

God did not create you to live out a tragedy, always struggling, only to end up defeated because of a few bad decisions or maybe just one. He made you to live your life to the fullest, to trust Him to redeem you pain with His power. God is focused not on your happiness but on your pursuit of Jesus, which satisfies your soul like nothing else.

3 Defining Decisions in the Life of a Christian

#1 – Consistency – 2 Timothy 3:1 “Terrible” [hard, difficult or outrageous]; “This be constantly knowing … difficult times will set in”

Truth: Stay the Course of Faithfulness & Never Replace Truth with Lies

#2 – Courage – 2 Timothy 3:2-5 “lovers of” [fond of…]; “proud” [above]; “without love” [doing away with natural connections]; “unforgiving” [irreconcilable]; “slanderous” [diabolos: devil]; “having a form” [mere outward resemblance]; “godliness” [not godlikeness but outward piety]; “power” [dunamis]

Truth: Be Strong and Steadfast in Your Stance for Truth & Your Moral Compass Will Never Be Compromised

#3 – Caution– 2 Timothy 3:6-9 “worm their way” [hide in, to clothe with, by trickery, under false pretenses]; “loaded down” [like loading a wagon; implies overwhelmed]

Jannes & Jambres: Exodus 7:11-13, 22: 8:7, 18-19

Truth: Be Wise in Your Ways & Test Everything by God’s Standard of Truth

Big Idea – Moments of Decision Define Your Direction and Dependability

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