Trusting God to Work It Out


Series: GOD is for You

Book: Romans

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Series: GOD is for You

Week 4: Trusting God to Work It Out

Last week: To get through your groaning, focus on the glory to come. Today, we’re going to see the Holy Spirit groans when we’re hurting. Romans 8:26-27.

Truth: You’re not alone when you’re in the groan zone.

Romans 8:26a “Helps” (present tense) means He helps constantly & continually. Active voice—Holy Spirit is dynamically active, not passive. He takes the initiative in our sanctification, enabling us to live the Christian life. John 14:16-17.

When the Spirit Helps Us. (2 specific times)

  1. When we’re weak and weary. “in our weakness,”—meaning “without strength;” speaks of being incapacitated. 2 Cor 12:10
  2. When we’re perplexed about what to pray for. “We do not know what we ought to pray for …”

What the Holy Spirit Does. Romans 8:26b tells us what the Holy Spirit does  Not only the Spirit interceding in our heart; also the Son interceding in Heaven. Romans 8:34.

How the Holy Spirit Intercedes. Romans 8:26. “Groans” plural & speaks of intensely deep groanings. Holy Spirit groans with me as I deal with all the garbage in my life.

Romans 8:27:

  • God knows our motives. God knows what’s in my heart. “Searches” -to make a thorough investigation. This is present tense, indicating God’s continual activity. 1 Chronicles 28:9b
  • The Father knows the mind of the Spirit. He knows the mind of the Spirit & what’s in our hearts. There’s complete unity in the Trinity.
  • Holy Spirit helps us pray according to the Father’s will. The Holy Spirit prays constantly & continually for us as He takes our frail, feeble & faulty prayers & translates them so they are acceptable & in harmony with God’s will.

Romans 8:28:

  1. God’s Promise. If you don’t believe in God’s sovereignty, you’re going to have a hard time with suffering. Everything is either allowed by God or brought about by Him. Hard Truth is: “He’s God; you’re not!” David Jeremiah: “Too often we try to use God to change our circumstances, while He is using our circumstances to change us.” God’s good for us is not for our comfort, but for our conformity to Christ.
  2. God’s Purpose. God has a purpose behind His plan: “…who have been called according to his purpose.” God’s ultimate purpose is to bring glory to Himself by conforming us to the image of His Son. He is more committed to our holiness than happiness.
  3. God’s Process. To accomplish this purpose of bringing glory to Himself, God designed a 5-step process Romans 8:29-30.

TRUTH: God is supremely sovereign, and we are responsible for our response to Him.

God’s 5 Step Process:

  1. God chose us. “For those God foreknew.”
  2. God changes us. “Predestined” in this context means God has decided beforehand where you are going to end up. Your destiny & destination have been decided because God has determined that one day you will be like Jesus.
  3. God calls us. “…He also called.” The Holy Spirit pursues you to Jesus Christ. If you’re a Christ-follower, you’re called; if you’re not a Christian yet, then you need to respond to His call.
  4. God cleanses us. “Justified,” means “to be declared righteous.” We are considered clean & secure because Jesus took our rottenness & in exchange, granted us His righteousness.
  5. God completes us. “Glorified” refers to finally becoming like Jesus

God foreknew & predestined you in the past.

God called you & justified you in the present.

And God glorified you in the future. Your salvation is secure.

We can trust God to work it out because we are sheltered in His grace as He works all things together to make us more like Jesus.

Remember: You’re Not Alone when You’re in the Groan Zone.



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