Series: Castaway Week 1: We are … Jonah
What does it mean for you to engage in the mission of God and, are you? And what does that even mean—the mission of God?
Jonah 1:1-16
Jonah has a great deal of personal bitterness against these people.
Rebellion is simply saying “no” to God.
You’re never farther from God than when you’re close to Him and say “no.”
If you want to run from God, there will always be a ship ready to Tarshish.
Our disobedience affects others.
God sends storms to break His people from self-reliance, to get your attention.
Thoughts that set the tone for the book of Jonah:
- Jonah shows us what a real sinner is.
Are you willing to obey God if it costs you everything?
Real obedience to God is when you so value the face of God, that you would give up everything for it!
- Jonah shows us who the real Savior is.
There are 3 possible responses to the word of God…
- Flat-out disobedience
- Dutiful obedience
- Gospel—Transformed obedience
That storm in your life—it’s not there to pay you back for your sin, but to bring you back from your sin.
Timeless Truth: The storm is not designed for retribution; it’s designed for restoration.