When Life Goes from Bad to Worse


Series: HOPE Awakened

Book: 1 Peter

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Week 2: When Life Goes from Bad to Worse

1 Peter 5:6-11

C.S. Lewis once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

Three Essentials of Hope Infused Faith

Essential #1 – Commitment  1 Peter 5:6-7

“anxiety” –worry or anxiety as when one does not know whether to do this or to do that, “distraction.”  It is the same verb as used in Luke 10:41: Martha was distracted by all she wanted to do, not knowing to what to turn her hand and in desperation going to Jesus to have Him order Mary to help her.

Everything of this kind we are to throw upon God because he is caring for us, attending to us and to all our needs. Psalm 55:22.

  • Humble yourself before the Lord to experience His power.


Essential #2 – Courage 1 Peter 5:8-9

“Be alert” –be wide awake, not dull and sleepy.  The connotation is that of being aroused to watch, not just the absence of sleep.

Then Peter states what certainly ought to keep every one of us sober and wide awake: “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

“roaring” A lion’s roar can be heard in excess of 5 miles away and can reach 116 decibels

“looking to devour someone” –literally to drink down and not to eat up or devour

“stand firm” – unbending “as regards the faith”; not denying the doctrine of Christianity for fear of a martyr’s death.

  • The Wise are watchful and stand secure in faith and resilience.


Essential #3 – Confidence 1 Peter 5:10-11

“And” –always adds something that is different.

“the God of all grace” –characterizes God as the source of all grace, all divine favor for us who do not deserve it.

“a little while” endures the suffering, but the glory is eternal.  This is comfort.  This is not a hint of a wish, but indicates solid assurance.

“Himself” –God will equip, will outfit us with all that we need for this little while of suffering.

  • Your Hope is fixed in Christ as He Restores, Renews, and Reinforces You Every Day


TRUTH: Christ Alone Turns Your Trials into Triumph…He is Your Hope

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