Which God Do You Serve?


Series: Elijah

Topic: God, worship, idolatry

Book: 1 Kings

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Series: Elijah Week 2: Which God Do You Serve?

God wants all of our hearts, not just part of our hearts. Exodus 20:3; Matthew 22:37.

False gods promise what only the true God provides.

Elijah was called by God to confront a very evil king named King Ahab, who was married to the wicked woman, Jezebel. 1 Kings 16:30-33.

In 1 Kings 18:1, God wants him to go & confront Ahab. 3 years into the drought: 1 Kings 18:17-18. Elijah was confronting the idea that there are many gods. Monotheism: the belief that there is one God. Polytheism: the belief that there are multiple gods. PROBLEM: We believe in God, but we worship & serve false gods.

When you elevate anything into the rightful place of God by putting anything on the throne of your life besides God, that is idolatry. What are the false gods that you serve? What are you putting ahead of God?

Elijah steps into this polytheistic culture & makes a very prophetic & very strong statement. 1 Kings 18:19-21.

Elijah has a showdown. 1 Kings 18:23-24.

1 Kings 18:26. … and nothing happened. So, Elijah starts to mess with them. 1 Kings 18:27. 1 Kings 18:28-29.

1 Kings 18:36-37. Elijah stepped forward & prayed. So, whoever is God reveal yourself by fire, he prays & 1 Kings 18:38. 1 Kings 18:39.

When you do know God through Christ, then all the false gods just seem to fall away. If Elijah were living today, I think he’d say, “Quit wavering. If you know God for who He is, you will never be tempted to serve these false gods, because the one true God is so much greater.”

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