Why Does God Allow Pain & Suffering?

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Series: Tough Questions; Life-Changing Answers Week 3: Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?

God, why? . . . Why aren’t you doing something?” -Basically, we’re asking God to reconcile what we believe with what we see in front of us. When our beliefs about God’s power, goodness, love, and generosity clash with the awful events that occur in this world, we feel unbalanced.

God is not the source of evil. He allows evil, suffering & pain, but He does not cause it. He gave us a choice.

Romans 8:21-22 points out, the world is in bondage and is suffering from man-induced “corruption.”

Pain & Suffering have a purpose. —Redemption

C.S. Lewis observed that the pains of life are tools by which God can get our attention: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”


Why God allows Suffering in the World:

  • Suffering uncovers what is really inside of our hearts.
  • Suffering can deepen our desire for God.
  • Suffering can mature us.
  • Suffering can jump-start our prayer life.
  • Suffering may prompt a lost person to receive Christ.
  • Suffering helps us deepen our trust in God.
  • Suffering can take our eyes off this world and ourselves.
  • Suffering can teach us firsthand that God is sufficient.
  • Suffering can connect us with other people.
  • Suffering can make us grateful for what we had or still have.
  • Suffering can position our lives to bring more glory to God.
  • Suffering, properly handled, will result in rewards in heaven.

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Four Truths About Pain & Suffering

Truth #1 – Deception & Sin Brought Suffering into the World -Romans 5:12

Truth #2 – God Refines His People in the Midst of Suffering -2 Corinthians 4:16

Truth #3 – God Exhibits His Glory in the Midst of Suffering -2 Corinthians 4:17

Truth #4 – God Reveals & Restores Authentic Hope & Love in the Midst of Suffering -2 Corinthians 4:18

TRUTH– Hope is . . . Your Savior is Bigger than Your Suffering

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