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Topic: Tongue

  • Speaker: Bill Simpson

    Topic: Tongue, Mouth, speak

    Book: James

    God offers us a better way. God knew the cost of sin was death, and He knew the price of forgiveness would take His Son Jesus dying for us. The gospel flipped everything on its head. There are messes that you simply can’t clean up on your own. There’s forgiveness that you can’t offer people on your own. And the beauty of the gospel is God says, “I forgave you much and now you go forgive others.”

  • September-4-2022

    Speaker: Bill Simpson

    Topic: Gossip, Tongue, Mouth

    Book: Proverbs

    The problem with our big fat mouth isn’t really our big fat mouth. It’s our broken and sin-stained heart.
    Everything that is said should be true. Not everything true must be said.