Attitude in Action


Book: John, Matthew

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Series: Red Letter Living—Living the Words of Jesus Week 4: Attitude in Action


People can believe they believe something that they may not actually believe.

The truth is that beliefs that have no connection to reality, even if they’re sincere, aren’t beliefs at all; they’re delusions.

Following Jesus is what happens when our lives align with what we say we believe about Him.

John 2:5

Whatever Jesus says to you, do it, even though …

  1. You are not in the “right place: (John 2:1-2). Some of God’s greatest blessings will be at “other places” if we will be obedient to Him.
  2. You have a lot of problems (John 2:3). Too many times our problems drive us away from Jesus instead of to Him.
  3. You are not encouraged (John 2:4). Mary laid hold of the possibility of a miracle.
  4. You have not walked with Him very long (John 2:5). The servants who obeyed Jesus had just met Jesus, yet they were expected to obey Him.
  5. You have not seen Him work miracles in your life (John 2:11). The people in this situation had to obey Him without His having done a previous miracle.
  6. You don’t understand the entire process (John 2:6-8).


Obedience is listening to the words of Jesus and doing His will. Inward obedience provides outward growth.

Attitude is an inward feeling expressed by behavior. Our attitude is the primary force that will determine whether we succeed or fail.

  • Our attitude determines our approach to life. (Paul wrote Philippians 4:4 from prison.)
  • Our attitude can turn our problems into blessings. (Through the pit and the dungeon Joseph came to the throne. Moses spent 40 years in the desert with sheep before becoming the leader of Israel.)
  • Our attitude can give us an uncommonly positive perspective. (David ran to meet Goliath.)
  • Our attitude is not automatically good just because we are Christians. (The older brother Prodigal Son; Jonah.)

3 Lessons to Learn about Attitude in Action

Lesson #1 Matthew 7:7-8: Pursuing the Will of God Determines the Right Perspective

Lesson #2 Matthew 7:9-11: Your Attitude Determines Your Approach.

Lesson #3 Matthew 7:12: Your Attitude Develops or Diminishes Your Relationships

Formula for Spiritual Success:

If you want to be distressed—look within.

If you want to be defeated—look back.

If you want to be distracted—look around.

If you want to be dismayed—look ahead.

If you want to be delivered—look up!

Red Letter Living Guides the Attitude & Determines Your Path.

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