Called to Generosity.


Series: Kaleo

Book: 1 Peter, Matthew

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Series: Kaleo Week 2: Called to Generosity.

Kaleo: Called. The reason you have to be called to something is because you weren’t already doing it naturally. 1 Peter 2:21. Called to GENEROSITY

How is my generosity shaping my heart? Jesus taught about money to inspire people toward a closer relationship with God. Generosity is about a dynamic relationship of trust with God, marked by gratitude, contentment, and love. If we chase false riches, our lives will be marked by pride, coveting, anxiety, and fostering a separation from God.

MATTHEW 6:19-21,24. Jesus identified money as the primary competitor for the affections of the human heart.

4 shifts we need in order to walk the footsteps of Jesus:

(1)     Move from PRIDE to GRATITUDE

Pride—imagining it’s our own efforts that have brought about the good things in our lives. Pride swallows up our gratitude, robbing us of the joy of God’s grace. When we put our confidence in ourselves rather than our Creator, we become puffed up and develop a warped perspective. Embracing gratitude over pride is 1st step toward a heart of generosity.

PROBLEM: The self-made man = success.  Self-sufficiency, pride, often creeps in slowly and stealthily. REVELATION 3:17-20. Laodicea was prosperous and proud of it.

If we repent of our prideful, independent attitudes, we can enjoy the real riches of a deep relationship with Him. Essentially, God wants our hearts. Ask, “What is underneath my financial behaviors?”

Gratitude is the thread that ties together the Gospel, Generosity, and God’s Grace in our hearts.

What do we do? SEE EVERYTHING AS a GIFT.


Contentment is a posture of the heart that rests peacefully in our present circumstances, no matter what they look like. It helps us feel satisfied, rather than restless.

PROBLEM: Our culture is driven by a consumer mentality.

Coveting isn’t the desire to steal or take something from someone else. Coveting is the belief that if I had more, I’d be happy.

It’s a form of idolatry that leads us away from God. Sinful desire for more that leads our hearts away from God—sexual sin and coveting are linked together: HEBREWS 13:4-5Culture teaches us to be generous with sex & closely guard our money. But God teaches to be generous with money & closely guard our purity.

Spending all of our income on ourselves in pursuit of fulfillment is like regularly committing adultery. Jesus warned against the dangers of the continual pursuit of more with no limits. MATTHEW 13:22.

What do we do? We SPEND MODESTLY.

(3)     Move from ANXIETY TO TRUST

PROBLEM: Money is among the leading causes of stress.  Why? A lack of trust in God’s promises & provision. Jesus said, MATTHEW 6:31,33.

Learning to trust God enables us to find authentic security & satisfaction in our true Provider.

Having more hasn’t solved the anxiety of life. If anything, it can make it worse. Do you trust God enough not to worry about your circumstances?

Worry says, “It all depends on me.” Fear & anxiety compel us to adopt a mindset of scarcity rather than a mindset of abundance. We are deceived into embracing a false system for measuring our security.

Generosity eliminates money’s power over us & amplifies our trust in God.

What do we do? We SAVE WISELY.

(4)     Move from INDIFFERENCE TO LOVE

PROBLEM: Focusing on self keeps us unconcerned for others. Generosity demands we give. Why give? Giving often starts as an act of obedience before it becomes an act of love.

MATTHEW 6:21. Jesus was saying that Generosity is just a means to an end; an investment in the love of God for us & for others. If we want God’s heart, we give to the things He cares about.


Generosity is the visible evidence of love. As we take steps of faith in our journey of generosity, God shapes our hearts. So, How is generosity shaping your heart?

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