Do I Believe My Beliefs?


Book: 1 Samuel

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David’s concern was for the glory of God. The armies of Israel were sidelined by fear. Although they had taken their place on the field of battle, their perspective was all wrong, & their behavior showed that they did not believe their beliefs.

Do I believe my beliefs?

Their behavior made it clear that they did not believe their beliefs.

When we lose sight of God, we will inevitably lose faith & heart for the battle. Their predicament came from a skewed perspective. 1 Samuel 17:24: they were running in response to the Philistine’s challenge. And in 1 Samuel 17:28 they begin to argue.

They are acting poorly because they are thinking wrongly. Romans 12:2a. Our thoughts control our actions. When the people of God begin to think wrongly, they then begin to act poorly. But, the 1st thing we need is the last thing that we want.

When we’re confronted by our wrong thinking and our poor acting … we attack. There’s jealousy because David’s faith confronts the army with their failure. Eliab’s response in 1 Samuel 17:28a. Eliab is jealous for himself; David is jealous for God & God’s glory. 1 Samuel 17:26b: David believed there was no reason why Goliath should be able to continue this for 40 days. But instead of acknowledging that David’s is right, Eliab gets angry & degrades David’s position: 1 Samuel 17:28c.

1 Samuel 17:29. “Isn’t it reasonable that I should ask about taking up the challenge by God’s enabling & for God’s glory?” 1 Samuel 17:31.

1 Samuel 17:32 David takes the initiative. 1 Samuel 17:33: Saul’s response was reasoned, sensible, pragmatic—and wrong.

David gives a little bit of history in 1 Samuel 17:34-36. The key to understanding what he says in those 3 verses is found in what he then says by way of explanation in 1 Samuel 17:37a.

He says … The Lord “rescued me,” past tense; the Lord “will rescue me,” future tense. David says, “I believe I will be able to deal similarly with Goliath because … 1 Samuel 17:36c God’s concern is for His name, His glory, His people, & His unfolding eternal purpose. Ultimately what is happening here has to do with a far larger perspective than simply the defiance of a Philistine against the armies of Israel; it has to do with God’s plan: God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule experiencing God.

David combines a good memory with sound thinking. “Because God did that there & then, he is able to do this here & now.”

Proverbs 3:5–6: bring your insights & analysis under the supreme rule of who God is.

You don’t go out to face the giants because you’re the right stuff. Bring your memory to bear with sound thinking on the promises of God.

Perspective. That’s the difference. The foe is still the same foe. The circumstances are still the same circumstances. The challenge is still the same challenge. Until you realize it’s all about God, you’ll be standing there for another 40 days.

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