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Series: Life Hacks for Tough Times & Rough Relationships Week 2: Doers

God is offering us wisdom to navigate through tough times and rough relationships

What is the #1 reason that people do not experience the life that God says they can have?

God’s word says, “Anyone who listens to the word . . . they will be blessed in what they do.” When God says that He will uniquely bless you, you want that don’t you?

James 1:22-25.

Probably the #1 reason is … while they listen to it, they don’t actually live it. They are aware of it, but they don’t actually do it. JAMES 2:26. Many people do not experience the blessings that God wants for them because they are “merely hearers of the word and not doers” (James 1:22).

LIFE PRINCIPLE: Faith without action is dead.  In other words, don’t just tell me what you believe, show me. If you want me to know what you believe, show me. If you want a life that is transformed, don’t just listen to God’s Word. Do it! Faith without action is dead.

The mark of spiritual maturity is more than Bible information, more than what you know. It is what you do. If you say you love God, then show God. Spiritual maturity is more than knowing what to do-it is acting on what we know.

“Faith without Action is Dead.” If we say we love and follow God but won’t deal with division or anger or temptation or sin, our faith is dead. If we don’t love our spouse or honor God first or serve others, our faith is dead. MATTHEW 6:33. If you won’t place God first in everything, then your faith is dead. You simply need to live this.

There are three Life Hacks that we need to apply to our lives:

Step Up—James 2:14-17. If you are going to love God and love others, then you are actually going to have to care about other people. If this is what you say you believe, then you are going to have to put actions to your words. Quit sitting and step up. JOHN 3:16. It is the nature and the heart of God to give. And the closer you get to God the Father, the more you join Him in the heart of giving. We must invest to step up.

James 1:27 mentions helping orphans and widows. God cares if we care for people-those who are helpless and defenseless. We are here to serve like Christ. Acts of kindness-to be the hands and hearts of God. We are here to step up because Faith without actions is dead. Pure religion cares about other people.

Step Back—James 1:27. In order to live out your faith you step back. The 1st thing you step back from is sin. But sometimes, you have to step back in relationships. Your faith needs to take action, and sometimes it means treating someone better than they are treating you. If you’re going to say you love God then demonstrate it in the way you love people. Do you have a relationship where you need to Step Back and treat someone better than they are treating you?

Sacrifice—James 2:16. James says, “What good is it?” At times you are going to have to sacrifice. Don’t just use words. Give something. You are going to have to give something up. Sacrifice costs us time, energy, money and effort. Sacrifice is a move from casual to radical. And the New Testament teaches us that radical is the only way you can truly follow Jesus.

What would God have you sacrifice in order to serve others and give yourself away with your time, money, energy, and effort?

Life Principle: Faith without Action is Dead

Where in your world are you expressing faith without action and according to James your faith is dead? Where does your faith, what you say you believe, need to act this week?




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