Series: ALIGN
Week 4: Empowered to Do God’s Purposes
“God, how can we be aligned to You, & Your heart?”
Review: 2 Core Foundations—(1)Word of God is our final authority; (2) Gospel—is our only Hope. 3 Priorities—(1) Engaging—Worship & Connect; (2) Equipped—Grow & Serve; and (3) Empowered.
Matthew 28:18-20—When we get realigned with the mission, then we can have clarity & focus.
The Mission of Maple Springs is to Lead People into a Growing Relationship with Jesus.
Invest & Invite. We need to invest in people. We need to invite them into a relationship with Christ & continue to invest in them.
Matthew 4:18-19: 3 important attributes of a disciple.
- “Come, follow me.” A simple invitation. John 12:26a. This leads to change at the headship (authority) and head (knowledge) level.
- “I will send you out”. A process of transformation. Disciples are changed by Jesus, through the power of Holy Spirit. JOHN 14:15-17, 21. This speaks to people at the heart level, as they assimilate the Word of Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to transform their inner being.
- “fish for people”. A response of action. This will lead to a change in what we do with our hands. 2 Corinthians 5:15-20.
Putting all 3 attributes together, we see that a disciple is a person who (1) Is following Christ (head); (2) Is being changed by Christ (heart); & (3) Is committed to the mission of Christ (hands).
Timeless Truth: Invest in People & Invite them into a Relationship with Christ.