

Topic: Gossip, Tongue, Mouth

Book: Proverbs

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Series: My Big Fat Mouth Week 4: Gossip

Luke 6:45 Our words have the power of life & death.

How many of you know someone who gossips? Have heard someone gossiping?

Of course we have, WHY?

Proverbs 18:8 Gossip is so subtle it can just sneak up on you before you know you’re even doing it.

Like Peanut M&M’s just eat a few/whole bag

Gossip going around the world before the truth gets out of bed.

I’m sure today there are many of you who just this have been hurt, lost a friendship, or been embarrassed by gossip.

We disguise things or sometimes people will say, well, but it’s true.

TRUTH: Everything that is said should be true. Not everything true must be said.

Proverbs 18:21

What do you want to be known for?

Who does Gossip Hurt ?

  • Gossip hurts the person it’s spoken about. Proverbs 16:28

Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, smallness, or insecurities just remember it could be worse‚ you could be them!

  • Gossip hurts the listener. Proverbs 17:4

Once they stop talking to you, they will start talking about you!

TRUTH: What you permit you promote.

  • Gossip hurts the speaker. Proverbs 25:9-10

Talking badly about someone else when they’re not around says more about you than the person you’re talking about.

You would much rather be known as a person who can be trusted!

Don’t invent things with your small mind and share it with your BIG MOUTH!

How to control Gossip?

  • Guard Your Ears

How to stop Gossip with one question: Why are you telling me this?

If that question feels a little too combative for you then ask this: Have you spoke with __________ about this?

Matthew 18:15

Ultimately maybe you don’t need to be hanging out with this person. Proverbs 20:19

  • Close Your Mouth Proverbs 21:23

Watch your tongue, keep your mouth shut, stay out of trouble.


Would you want someone to say the same thing about you? Luke 6:31

The problem with our big fat mouth isn’t really our big fat mouth. It’s our broken and sin-stained heart.

We have an unhealthy desire to be better than someone else that’s why we want them to be less so we can be more.

We want to be important because in our sinful nature we want them to be less so that we can be more


Gossip claims “I’m strong because they’re weak.”

The Gospel proclaims “I am weak but He is strong.”


I don’t need to make someone look weak so I feel better.

The choice is: Speak lies/Satan’s native tongue or … Speak Life‚ Jesus is the way the truth the life

What if, instead of complaining, instead of criticizing, in stead of lying, instead of gossipping you got caught encouraging?

What do you want to be known for?

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