Living as a Follower of Jesus


Book: Luke, Matthew

Notes Download

Series: Red Letter Living—Living the Words of Jesus

Week 3: Living as a Follower of Jesus

People can believe they believe something that they may not actually believe. 

Following Jesus is what happens when our lives align with what we say we believe about Him.

And that is tough because Jesus gave some pretty scary, pretty intimidating, tough words on being a true follower.  Luke 9:23-26.

Matthew 11:1-6

  • If Jesus is not the One, we should not follow Him.
  • But if He is the One, we should follow Him at all costs.

Why would John ask Jesus, “Are you the One…?” Matthew let us know what prompted John’s crisis of faith. John was in prison.

John was living between prison and platter when he sent the message to Jesus. Where was Jesus when John needed Him?

Jesus gave an impressive response: Matthew 11:4-6.

Problem: John already knew all of that. Matthew 11:2. The amazing work of Jesus didn’t eliminate John’s doubts; it actually fueled them.

Why would Jesus’ doing so much good jeopardize John’s faith? When we look at Jesus’ response to John, we see one line that just doesn’t fit: “Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.”

Jesus was saying, “John, I’m not coming through for you. I’m not getting you out of prison. I’m not sparing your life. Yes, I have done all this and more for others, but the path I choose for you is different from theirs.  You’ll be blessed, John, if this does not cause you to fall away.”

Jesus understood His purpose was to save us not from pain and suffering, but from meaninglessness. For Jesus, John was exactly where he needed to be, fulfilling God’s purpose for his life.

The call to follow Jesus is a call to live in this world as citizens of an entirely different kingdom.

Jesus made clear to those who were choosing to be His disciples what kind of leader He was and what kind of followers would be required.

The call of Jesus was so simple, so clean, so clear: “Follow Me.” And if it means a life of suffering, hardship, and disappointment, it will be worth it because following Jesus Christ is more powerful and more fulfilling than living with everything in the world minus Him. Have we forgotten this? Have the benefits of our faith become more precious and more valuable to us than the Benefactor of our faith?

Big Idea: Red Letter Living Requires the Right Understanding of Following Jesus.

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