Living Life on Mission


Book: Luke, Matthew

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Series: Red Letter Living—Living the Words of Jesus

Week 1: Living Life on Mission

Here’s what I believe about belief: People can believe they believe something that they may not actually believe.  Do you believe that’s true?

For example, do you believe it’s important to eat right and exercise?  Or how about, do you believe that saving money is something you should do? Almost everyone would say they agree with these beliefs, and yet if we were to investigate the reality of these beliefs, we would find that they have little bearing on how we actually live.

I came across an article by a psychiatrist who revealed that some of his patients believe things that had no basis in reality. One patient believed he could fly. Another patient was convinced that she had been switched at birth and was actually part of the British Royal family.  What stood out in this article was that the psychiatrist didn’t used the word beliefs to describe these claims by his patients that had no basis in reality.  The word he used was delusions.  The truth is that beliefs that have no connection to reality, even if they’re sincere, aren’t beliefs at all; they’re delusions.

If the reality of my life doesn’t align with what I say I sincerely believe, then I need to step back and honestly as myself whether I believe what I say I believe.  Most of the frustration I have with myself comes when my behavior doesn’t line up with my beliefs.  Following Jesus is what happens when our lives align with what we say we believe about Him.

Don’t Forget the Mission (Luke 19:10-13, 15-23, 26)

  • The reward for good, faithful work is always going to be more work.
  • The servant was not at all concerned about the King’s return, so he did not bother with the King’s business.
  • Faithfulness yields great reward … unfaithfulness results in emptiness.

3 Elements of Living Life on Mission

One of the last things Jesus told His disciples was to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, and make disciples of all nations.

Element #1: Aim at the Right Target (Matthew 28:16-17)

  • Live Your Life as God has Directed

Element #2: Aim with Accuracy (Matthew 28:18)

  • Live Your Life with the Right Focus

Element #3: Aim for Clarity (Mission 28:19-20)

  • Live Your Life as a Disciple on a Mission

Big Idea: Red Letter Living Requires Red Letter Devotion

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