Series: Blessed Life, The Blessed Life
Imagine if we (MSBC) became the place that served one another. Imagine if we became that place that, rather than thinking just of ourselves we thought about the other people around us more than we thought about ourselves.
Series: Blessed Life, The Blessed Life
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Grace, Generosity, Blessed life, Love, Selfishness
This parable makes it clear that if we love our neighbors only when it requires no time, energy, money, or risk, we will never love our neighbors as ourselves. All love is costly.
Series: Blessed Life, The Blessed Life
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: Luke
Decisive action now with what we cannot keep will in some way make a difference in our futures. The road to who we are becoming in the future begins now.
Series: Blessed Life, The Blessed Life
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Hope, Generosity, Service, Blessed life
Book: Proverbs, Deuteronomy, Haggai, 2 Corinthians, Acts, Luke
Unfortunately, the reason you & I are not more blessed is because we still actually believe it is more blessed to receive than it is to give.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Speaker: Tracy Marsh
Book: Philippians
Series: Stand
God will show you His power, in all kinds of different ways, through the course of your life. But you will know His presence – the tangible reality of the presence of Christ – best, when you are in the fire.
Series: Stand
God may do exactly what you’re praying for, or He may not.
But just because you don’t see anything doesn’t mean He’s not doing something.
Series: Stand
When life gives you something that knocks you down, you simply seek God in prayer. When life gives you more than you can stand, you kneel before Him in prayer, and He will give you the strength to stand.
Series: Stand
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Confrontation, Stand Up, Nebuchadnezzar, Relationship
Our goal is not the goal of being right it should be the goal of helping others be right with God.