The Vow of Priority


Series: The Vow

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Sometimes our expectations of what we hope marriage will be, seems to fall way short of what it actually is

50% of marriages don’t make it. Of those that do—many are miserable.

What if … 50% chance attacked by a bear or car wreck.

Something isn’t working!

The reason that marriages are struggling is because so often people are not actually spiritually prepared to live a marriage that honors God.

Is a great marriage possible? Absolutely—yes. Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-17, 21-33

Cultural Priority: You won’t be fulfilled in life until you find the ONE!

No sequel to Jerry Maguire: “You complete me!”

The common idea is that to really be fulfilled in life, you have to meet the one, to really, really be happy, to have a life that has meaning, you have to meet that one perfect person that gives you goosebumps. 

TRUTH: GOD IS YOUR ONE AND YOUR SPOUSE IS YOUR TWO. No human can give you what only God possesses. Why? Because when God is your source of life, then you can each become givers in your marriage, not just leeches who try to constantly take form each other what neither of you Is equipped to give.

Even Jesus said: Matthew 22:37-38

To really have a marriage that honors God, we put God first in our relationship and then our spouse is number two.

Whoever finds God, finds life.

Those Hoping to marry: I will seek the One while preparing for my two!

Story: Party girl—Not the kind of girl a godly guy is looking for. Become the person who you are looking for is looking for!  In other words I’m going to seek the One, I’m going to live for God, my whole life is going to be devoted to Him, He is king, He is first in my life, He is preparing me for someone that I can serve Him with, but He’s always my one. I’ll seek the one while He prepares me for my two.


No suitable helper for Adam—God put him into a deep sleep. Took rib—Formed woman. GENESIS 2:21-24

God is one. Spouse is two:

PROBLEM: When you believe that your spouse is your one, eventually, you will idolize them and then one day, you will demonize them.

When Spouse One: Asking them to do something they can’t do.

On Deathbed—Priority becomes God and family

Whenever anything takes the place of God or takes the place of the priority of the marriage relationship, even something good, when those priorities are out of order, your marriage can never be what God intended it to be because you’re not living according to the God-ordained priorities.

Didn’t understand—Legitimate jealousy.

Most of us think jealousy is always bad—Like anger

God is a jealous God—He wants to be first—Legitimate jealousy.

It’s not always the bad things that destroy marriages. It’s often good things that are out of place in the relationship


Children are important—Not as important as marriage.

If you want to love your kids—Invest in your marriage.

Children are a temporary assignment.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment.

Want your children to succeed in marriage? Model it.

How do we do this? Want to be a great husband/wife?

First, be a great follower of Christ. Keeping Christ first doesn’t really work together unless you have it individually first.

Children are an expression of your love.

Men—how many of you feel the natural desire to protect!

Your role to protect the priorities—at all costs!

Lay down your life for two things: Christ and your spouse Ephesians 5:25



I promise God will be my 1st priority and my spouse will be my 2nd.

Protect these priorities at any cost!




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