What Most Christians Miss

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Bible passage: John 14:6Genesis 28

I don’t believe the final goal, the endgame of the Scriptures is for people to believe Jesus lived, died, and rose for them.  Jesus’ own words indicate that there is more.  John 14:6.  Christians miss the greater point of this passage, namely, that Jesus is the way “to the Father.”  The entire reason He came to earth, lived, died, and rose was to get sinners back into GOD’s presence.

Jesus wants more for you. He wants you to come to the Father, to find life in His name, not just on the day of your death, but on every day of your life.

John 20:31. John wants you to enjoy the fact that GOD is here.

Hebrews 10:19-22. The author of Hebrews wants us to draw near to GOD.

So many of the biblical terms describing the work of Jesus are essentially about getting you into the presence of GOD.

  1. Jesus forgave you.  So that a sinless you could walk into the holy presence of GOD.
  2. Jesus saved you. Jesus saves us from the danger of doubting our place in the presence of GOD.
  3. Jesus justified you. Because guilty sinners are locked out of GOD’s presence while the justified are free to walk out of court and be with GOD.
  4. Jesus purified you. Because only the pure in heart can ascend to the holy place where GOD is (Psalm 15).
  5. Jesus redeemed you. Unless you belonged to GOD, He would not take you home as His precious people to live with Him forever.
  6. Jesus sanctified you. Now GOD can look at a forgiven, perfect you and say, “Come here, I love you!” instead of “Depart from me. I never knew you!”
  7. Jesus reconciles you. Jesus made peace between a sinful you and a sin-allergic GOD when He died and rose again. This means that the doormat of heaven no longer reads, “No trespassing, sinner!” but “Welcome home, my child!”

The verbs of salvation are never the final blessing. Rather, they are gracious ways for you to get to the glorious end-GOD.  GOD is what makes salvation worth celebrating.

1 Peter 3:18.  Sinless Jesus suffered for sinners. Why? To bring you face-to-face with the face your heart longs for.

Jesus forgives you so completely you could confidently walk into the presence of GOD.

Life, in the Bible, is all about being with GOD.  Thus the phrase eternal life means, “to be with GOD forever.”

TRUTH: Eternal life starts now! The here-ness of GOD is not waiting for my final breath. It is as present as the breath presently in my lungs.

John 3:36John 5:24John 6:47 – Jesus reminded his audience of the life that was already theirs, that had already begun when they first believed.

And what is that life? John 17:3. True, satisfying eternal life is knowing GOD.

Genesis 28:12-13,15-17

A Closing Blessing:

Numbers 6:24-26 – A shining face requires two things: knowledge and delight.

Because of Jesus, GOD blesses you and keeps you.

Because of Jesus, GOD is here.

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