What will you do with the offer of God? You know you don’t control the future. It’s in God’s hands. You know that you’re fragile. And if you apply that to the whole of life, you’re either going to remain proud or you’re going to humble yourself. What will you do with the offer of God?
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness to move you out of the nightmare that comes with wisdom from below and into the dream that God has for our life with Him
You don’t have to fall into temptation. You don’t have to take the bait. You don’t have to … let selfish desires dominate your life and undo your marriage, your family, your friendships, business, your relationship with God.. You don’t have to.
God offers us a better way. God knew the cost of sin was death, and He knew the price of forgiveness would take His Son Jesus dying for us. The gospel flipped everything on its head. There are messes that you simply can’t clean up on your own. There’s forgiveness that you can’t offer people on your own. And the beauty of the gospel is God says, “I forgave you much and now you go forgive others.”
You fight favoritism in your heart and you grow in character by giving VIP treatment to those who are more vulnerable than you. We fight favoritism by going to the back of the line. This isn’t optional for us. As a church, this is our obligation, and God doesn’t have another set of hands and feet on the earth other than His church. We’re called to this.
If you want a life that is transformed, don’t just listen to God’s Word. Do it! Faith without action is dead. … Where does your faith, what you say you believe, need to act this week?
Many drift from God in trial rather than turn to God in trial. But know this that the purpose of trials is to mature you not to destroy you. But remember God is our spotter.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Join us on this graduate Sunday as Tracy Marsh, youth…
Series: Your Story, Your Story for God's Glory
All of our stories are guaranteed to include conflict. But conflict doesn’t ruin your life story. It can actually do the opposite if you Grow through what you Go through.