Series: The Time Is Now
Series: The Time Is Now Week 3: The Blessings of…
Series: The Time Is Now
Put down another brick. But it didn’t seem to make a difference. Do the work. Stay consistent to what God showed you to do. Successful people do consistently what normal people do occasionally.
Series: The Time Is Now
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Will of God, Obedience, do hard things
“Give careful thought to your ways.” In what area of your life are you not putting God first? Are you putting your own comfort ahead of His calling?—Your house over His—Having more/doing more? Are you consumed with yourself instead of being consumed with God—Making a name over difference?
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Message by Tracy Marsh, youth pastor.
Series: Celebrate Christmas
At the core of Christmas is an offer that has been made by God. And the question is, will you accept or doubt His offer? … You must personally repent of your sin. You must personally receive Jesus. You must personally commit to follow Him all the days of your life. And this is good news. Why? Because you don’t get a better offer.
Series: Celebrate Christmas
We live in a world that says party like there’s no tomorrow as if there’s no heaven, no hell and no hope. Peter’s telling us turn the telescope back around and magnify… Eternity. Get things right in your life.
Series: Celebrate Christmas
You have a Savior. He came at Christmas so that He would fulfill Easter, which is huge. It makes a difference to have Jesus as my Savior here and now because He gives me the power to live a life of faith over fear.
Series: Celebrate Christmas
Many of us get stuck in a child view of Christmas, of Christ and never really grow up through our doubts into an adult view of Christ, an adult view of Christmas. In fact, if you think Christmas is about a baby in a manger instead of a King on a throne you need to begin to doubt some more. You need to rethink Christmas. You need to engage in some honest doubt and get to the Truth.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Sermon by Tracy Marsh, youth pastor Text: Luke 2:4-7