Series: The Vow
How many of you that are Married or Hope to be married one day plan on Committing adultery one day? How many of you plan on becoming Addicted to porn? How many of you plan on having Emotional affair by giving your heart to somebody? Almost no one plans to wreck a marriage with sin—But it happens All the time!
TRUTH IS: It is Difficult to build a Life of Righteousness on a Foundation of Sin.
Series: The Vow
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Marriage, Commitment, Submission, Covenant, Genesis
Getting divorced because you ran out of love is like selling a car because you ran out of gas. When I am in the right place with the help of God and when she is in the right place, we can be united as one flesh, and that is a marriage that honors God.
Series: The Vow
It’s not always the bad things that destroy marriages. It’s often good things that are out of place in the relationship.
Series: My Big Fat Mouth
The Root Reason for Lying Is Because We Don’t Completely Trust God.
Series: GOD is here.
Christianity is not about ignoring pain. Rather, in the pain, it looks to GOD and insists, “You must be so good, because this hurts so bad.” GOD leverages your pain to draw you into His presence and love.