Series: Kaleo
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Generosity, Christian living, Priorities, calling, Finance
Generosity is the visible evidence of love. As we take steps of faith in our journey of generosity, God shapes our hearts. So, How is generosity shaping your heart?
Series: Kaleo
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: 1 Peter, Philippians, Luke, Matthew
Every time you pass on by, not only do you miss an opportunity to impact someone else, but you have also missed an opportunity for God to impact you.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Youth Pastor Tracy Marsh brings a challenge from Romans 12:1-2.
Series: What was I thinking?
We live in a world where the world treats poison—sin—as sweetener. And God’s perspective is: it’s poison.
Series: What was I thinking?
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: 2 Chronicles, Amos, Mark
Our circumstances do not shape the way we view God; Our God shapes the way we view our circumstances.
Series: What was I thinking?
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Anxiety, Presence of God, Christian life, alone
Book: Psalms, 2 Chronicles, Philippians, Matthew
Even when you do not look for God, even when you do not lean into the presence of God, He is fully present. You have never been alone, because God is everywhere present. But we can pretend we are by ourselves. You can pretend you’re by yourself. And I can deny His presence. I can refuse to acknowledge it.
Series: What was I thinking?
.Prayer is the most practical thing you can do. Because God is more powerful than we think.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Youth Pastor Tracy Marsh brings the message from Galatians 5:16-26…
Everything that matters to you matters to God. There is no detail that is too small. I’m not saying that it matters to God as much as it matters to you. It matters to you. It matters to God. But listen, if you’ll trust God with the things that matter to you, He’ll trust you with the things that matter to Him.