Series: Life Hacks for Tough Times & Rough Relationships. Week 1: Trials

A “life hack” is a tool or technique that makes some aspect of your life easier or more efficient.

Life Hacks for Tough Times and Rough Relationships. Who doesn’t go through rough spots and tough times? Today’s message “Trials” opens an 8-week study on the book James and the practical steps found in this portion of Scripture to help with life’s tough moments.

Jesus told the parable of the sower & seed in Matthew 13-a story Jesus told to describe the different levels of readiness of the heart to accept God’s Word. Matthew 13:18-23

The 4 conditions of soil/heart when the seed is sown.

  1. Spiritually unresponsive. Falls on the path-Satan comes & snatches it away.
  2. Spiritually Shallow. Falls on rocky ground-they have not root. So when trouble or persecution comes because of the word, the quickly fall away.
  3. Spiritually caught in the weeds. Falls among the thorns- the worries of life choke the word. Absorbed in this life.
  4. Spiritually fruitful. Falls on good soil-Seed dies and gives birth to a crop. I need to die to myself.

The heat of the sun produces pressure in the seed, causing it to grow. Matthew 13:6

All of the soils (hearts) received the same seed, but not all of them respond the same way.

How does your faith respond to God?

  1. Spiritually Unresponsive I serve me;
  2. Spiritually Shallow = God serves me;
  3. Spiritually Caught in the Weeds = Between I serve God/God serves me;
  4. Spiritually Fruitful = I serve God.

The goal of James is to help people live free under pressure & use these moments to grow and mature. James 1:1-8-how to do life well through its inevitable trials and pressures.

According to James, there is only 2 types of wisdom:

  1. Wisdom from below-wisdom of the world. Seeds 1-3 are still listening to the world for wisdom. Many people who Christians are still listening to wisdom of the world wisdom from below. Maybe mixing it, but still getting wisdom from the wrong source.
  2. Wisdom from above-wisdom from God. God’s our spotter. He sees what we cannot see. He offers wisdom to help us navigate the pressures of life.

James was concerned that his readers would not get the right goal.  What’s the Goal? There are two differing directions that people tend to move when living under pressure.

  • Try to live free from “pressure” & be SECURE
    • The goal of living free from pressure and becoming secure. But God doesn’t promise Christ-followers that He will remove pressure from our lives.
  • Try to live free under “pressure” & be MATURE
    • You are never going to be free from pressure. You will be able to live free under pressure.
    • You have got to drive down the roots so that you can become mature.
    • You need to rise above the weeds so that you can truly trust the wisdom of God.

Life Principle: In a World of TRY you will be TRIED, so Mature to Trust!

In a World of TRY; (to be free from trials)

You will be TRIED; (face trials of many kinds)

So Mature to TRUST! (Joy in God who reigns & restores)

James is saying that everyone will face setbacks. There will be trials, setbacks in you life … and they have a way of undoing you.  And, there will be times you suffer… They have a way of undoing you. They will test your faith. And the hope, James says is that you would, under these trials, move forward and become mature.

Many drift from God in trial rather than turn to God in trial. But know this:  the purpose of trials is to mature you not to destroy you.  But remember God is our spotter.

Proverbs 3:5-6:  Because we are always living our lives under pressure. And under pressure the first thing we need to do is know that we have to trust God.

  • Trust is all or not at all with God.
  • The only way you know you trust God when you fully obey Him even under pressure. You are going to have to trust somebody, so who or what are you trusting?
  • God doesn’t always give us the why.

We face setbacks and sufferings … you have to figure out who you are going to trust. In this world we will suffer—the very place that God demonstrates His love and meets us … you are ultimately going to trust somebody or something … trust God.

3 Life Hacks:

  1. Learn Under Pressure-Plant wise seeds for your future, because today you are living the seeds you sowed last month, last year, last decade.
  2. Laugh Under Pressure-“Consider it pure joy … whenever you face trials of many kind”
  3. Look Up Under pressure– … don’t just look around, look up.


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