Series: Castaway
Jonah is what stood in the way of Nineveh’s forgiveness. Their sin wasn’t the obstacle. Jonah’s failure to get them the word of God was.Are you keeping people from experiencing the grace that could be theirs by your failure to pray for them & get the Word of God to them?
Series: Castaway
There is a point where you surrender to God because you feel like you have to; then there’s a point where you start to love like God loves. You do what God does because you desire what God desires. God is not just after obedience, He’s after a whole new kind of obedience. He wants real repentance.
Series: Castaway
Jonah didn’t want to do what God told him to do. Why? (1) He was given a difficult job to do. Jonah had to expect that he would be mocked & treated harshly. He might be attacked & killed if he did what the LORD told him to do. (2) Jonah didn’t want the Assyrians in Nineveh to escape God’s judgment. So, why we don’t we what God tells us to do?
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Speaker: Tracy Marsh
Book: Colossians
Fan or Follower, Tracy Marsh Colossians 3;15-17
Series: ALIGN
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: Matthew
A disciple is a person who (1) Is following Christ (head); (2) Is being changed by Christ (heart); & (3) Is committed to the mission of Christ (hands).
Series: ALIGN
If Jesus is willing to get on His hands & knees & wash feet, may we have that posture that we would be willing to do anything at any level for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Series: ALIGN
You only love God as much as you love the person you love the least. To evaluate how much you love God, evaluate how much you love people.
Series: ALIGN
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: Acts
Hope isn’t in following a bunch of rules, a bunch of laws trying to live up to a standard that we cannot live up. Our hope is not in some ritual act. Our hope is not in what family were born into. Our hope is in the fact that God did something great for us. What we couldn’t do, Jesus did. We need Grace.
Series: Single Stand Alone Sermon
Speaker: Tracy Marsh
Book: James
Consider the Hurt, Tracy Marsh James 1:2-4