Series: GOD is for You
To get through your groaning, focus on the glory to come.
Series: Re-Discovering Christmas
The world cannot take away what the world cannot give. The world cannot take away what it cannot give to us. The world cannot take away deep rich promises because the world cannot give deep rich promises. The world can’t take away your security, the world can’t take away your peace because the world cannot give security, and the world cannot give peace. It can’t take away this hope that serves as an anchor for our souls, because this world was never designed to give us hope. Not that kind of hope. The world can’t take away what the world can’t give. And you can’t lose what only Jesus gives. He gives life, you can’t lose it. Love, freedom, joy, salvation, you can’t lose it. He gives peace. He gives promises you can’t lose. He gives assurance you cannot lose. What Jesus gives Jesus, the Rescuer of His people, gives hope. The world can’t take that away. What the world can’t give, and you can’t lose only Jesus gives. This is the story of Christmas, the hope of Christmas. It’s not a feeling. It’s not a desire. Hope is a person. He is Jesus the Rescuer, the Savior of His people.
Series: Re-Discovering Christmas
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Hope, God's Purpose, Christmas, Jesus Christ, Salvation
God staged a demonstration and documented it so the world would know. Because He knew we needed to see it to believe it. And it wasn’t enough to say it. He had to send His Son to pay the price that we owed in such a way that once we embraced the truth of the story, and once we embraced who Jesus was, we would never, ever, ever, ever doubt God’s love for us. He had to be with us so that we could know He was for us. We needed a demonstration.
Series: What was I thinking?
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Book: 2 Chronicles, Amos, Mark
Our circumstances do not shape the way we view God; Our God shapes the way we view our circumstances.
Series: Your Story, Your Story for God's Glory
All of our stories are guaranteed to include conflict. But conflict doesn’t ruin your life story. It can actually do the opposite if you Grow through what you Go through.
Series: Blessed Life, The Blessed Life
Speaker: Bill Simpson
Topic: Hope, Generosity, Service, Blessed life
Book: Proverbs, Deuteronomy, Haggai, 2 Corinthians, Acts, Luke
Unfortunately, the reason you & I are not more blessed is because we still actually believe it is more blessed to receive than it is to give.
Series: My Big Fat Mouth
Anybody can be a Fault Finder. We are to be Followers of Christ—Hope Dealers.
Series: HOPE Awakened
When dealing with persecution and brokenness, Never Doubt the Power of Prayer!
Series: HOPE Awakened
Christ Alone Turns Your Trials into Triumph…He is Your Hope!